Comments 123

New chapter means new hairdo, yes?

Beach selfie #over50 #positiveageing #beachwalk #onlinedating #love #Australia

Beach selfie #over50 #positiveageing #beachwalk #onlinedating #love @boneAndsilver

Proudly, my hair is salt ‘n’ pepper. Probably more salt now actually. And I love it. After many years of keeping it short, a couple of years ago, I grew it into a slightly messy bob, and discovered that silver hair often has a bit of a wave or curl to it…

But as I launch myself into a new phase of online dating, I’ve decided it’s time for a new look.

Now YOU, my dear readers, have followed me through so much: celebrated the one year anniversary, mourned and commiserated through the break up, cheered me as I came out the other side, and positively encouraged me to move forward into the next life chapter.

So it’s entirely fitting you help me with this bit too! I asked ’17’ what sort of chop I should get, but this was his brutal honest response:

“Mum, I’ve got better things to do than look at pictures of old ladies’ hair cuts.”

Fair enough.

But YOU, dear reader, surely you can give me a minute? Do you prefer A, B, or C? Or have another suggestion entirely? I’m pretty sure I want a white blonde look, whichever cut I choose:

Shall I be brave and go blonde?

Need advice for a new haircut #over50 #newhairdo #pixiecut #whiteblonde

Short and punky is the way to go over 50

Need advice for a new haircut #over50 #newhairdo #pixiecut #whiteblonde

Is sparkly blonde more my look over 50?

Need advice for a new haircut #over50 #newhairdo #pixiecut #whiteblonde


  • I don’t want to spend an hour each morning in the bathroom with blowdryer and products.
  • I want to look funky, a bit punky, and cool of course.
  • I don’t want to look like ‘mutton dressed as lamb’.
  • I want to seem attractive yet also my unique, individual self.
  • I don’t want to have to go back every fortnight for root touch ups.

I reckon a white blonde look would be fine with the roots growing through, don’t you? Then I’ll have white tips on my silver (people pay a small fortune for that technique).

Previous looks have been these, 2 and 3 years ago, as I transitioned from really short to my current curly, completely un-dyed locks:

Guys, I’m sorry if I’ve bored you with this post (or have been sexist in this generalized assumption- Matt and Brian, I’m sure you’ll have opinions for example). But come on Girls, let me know! All suggestions happily received, and there will be updated photos as reward…

In gratitude for my healthy long-term relationship with an awesome hairdresser, and the thrill of new possibilities, love G xOย 


  1. I think option C is soft and playful! With a little femininity yet not overtly so. And best case scenario might be dating a haridresser hehe! Sadly I’m not one ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that’s a good point… I have no idea how hard it will be to go silvery blonde, so that may be what happens… stay tuned! Thanks for your opinion : ) G

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  2. Old ladies haircuts–hmmmph, young man!
    I’d keep your own hair color–its good, and much easier on your hair. Then I’d ask your stylist which of those cuts would be lowest maintenance with your hair and how it grows. As you may have guessed, I’m a towel it dry, comb and go sort of person.
    All that said, do what pleases you the most–its only hair, short at that and whatever it is will grow out fairly quickly.

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    • All such good points Steph, and yes, I’m a similar kind of hairdo person! I think I just feel like having a ‘break out’ moment, going blonde, and then letting it grow out quickly, keeping it short. I think I just want the “Wow” factor for a few weeks : ) Thank you!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. They all look basically the same cut to me but differing applications of hair gel and hairdryer. ๐Ÿ˜€ …and, I think au naturel colour-wise, is great, very sexy. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like ur look in last pic so I would go for option b or c๐Ÿ˜€I love ur salt and pepper btw.i would love to have that instead of this stripe of white Crudelua Devil style๐Ÿ™„

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Ortensia- I would LOVE a Cruella stripe, and in fact years ago used to bleach one side of my fringe so I had one! We always want what we don’t have, don’t we? Haha

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      • I wish it was that kind of Cruella stripe,unfortunately there is the front stripe and lateral โ€œbushesโ€ too๐Ÿ˜ฑ…..hair color is required every month now unfortunately…….

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  5. A or C, leaning towards C. But I couldn’t say which one is more low maintenance (sharing your aversion to blowdryers and products). C looks like it could work with five-finger combing, A not so much.

    White tips with silver would look stunning on you I think, even though I like your color just the way it is.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love you with short hair, G! As an ex-hairdresser I’ll happily chat hair any time haha. I’m quite partial to graduated styles personally (grad bob, sassoon-esque styles ๐Ÿ˜) so I do love A which others may not see the appeal of. Can be more versatile perhaps. My other vote is for C ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well there you go: learn something new about my readers every day! A hairdresser hey?? I’ve gone to the same one for over 15 years now; she’s very groovy. I can show her these options, but she also has her own strong opinions of what’s cool and what will suit me and my hair! So tune back in for the follow up OK? x

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Trace-Blogs says

    Oh Lordy, how I have been neglecting WordPress. I am so sorry to hear about your break-up. You will look beautiful, whatever you choose. I love Annette Bening (and her hair) x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Trace- yeah, it was a shitty few weeks, and I was very miserable, but I’ve come out the other side a wiser and clearer G, so that’s a good thing. Your compliments are very sweet, thank you x O

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  8. A has my vote – but I’m a short haired woman anyway……love the ease of it, and the fact it doesn’t take time to get it looking awesome……


  9. I say NONE! Keep it longer, keep the curls, and have them put some layers in to keep it fun and easy. My current style is very like yours, except mine is a mouse brown. I used to have a short inverted bob and since I grew it longer after the ex left, I get so many more compliments!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmm, that’s interesting… I like your confidence in going against the majority. But I’m sorry, I want to cut it shorter, as a symbolic new beginning…

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  10. Sophia says

    LalalalalaILove hair and fashion posts๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Hello, G!!!XO I hope I didn’t miss the deadline๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ˜‚
    I second the above comment. Have you thought of face-framing long bangs that will add fun, versatility (hair up in a ponytail with long/angling bangs is super cute too)? There’s always time to go shorter…๐Ÿ˜‰
    I have so many reasons for the suggestion, if you wanna hear them let me know (don’t want to bore you๐Ÿ‘น).
    Note of transparency: I don’t have short hair, I’m 52.
    Can’t wait to see the results, Bella!XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sophia, and thanks for your enthusiastic contribution! However, I’m ready for a change, and let’s face it, it will always grow longer again… make sure you tune in for the update and the pics : ) Cheers G


  11. Can I break the rules and say that I really like how your hair looks right now? (Assuming that the opening photo is a fairly current one.) My next choice would be the second one in your “retrospective” trio. To me, they seem to best fit your personality. But, and this might sound a little odd, I’ve never heard your voice. A good haircut will fit your entire persona, including the various ways you express yourself.

    Okay, now let’s talk about me. ๐Ÿ˜‰ For several years, I’ve been contemplating a copper hue for my tresses. Not vibrantly so, more subdued, but with a sun-kissed shimmer. Thoughts?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, yes, please break the rules Brian : )
      Yes, that was a current pic, taken on the most Easterly point of Australia at Byron Bay, but I’m definitely leaning towards the chop. My voice? Good point: slight British accent, a little posh, with an Aussie twang (think Kylie Monogue).

      Enough about you already! ; )

      Liked by 1 person

  12. S_MW says

    I think you could rock A. Anything cut high above the ears, would look great. My mum recently got rid of that bobbed look with hair floating around her neck and I think it’s taken years off her. Little bit of height on the top. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was very fond of that curly bob, and it’s served me well, it’s true. And ‘H ‘ loved it. Which is one good reason for a change, just to start afresh; and let’s face it, I can always grow it long again can’t I? Thanks for your input Jad x

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  13. I liked A best but I think any of them would be lovely on you especially because you’ve rocked a shorter style before! Love those looks as well! ๐Ÿ™‚ Now I can’t wait to see the new hairdo! Make sure you post a selfie!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Inside The Rainbow says

    You look great! I’m in the process of going natural. I have about four inches through now but the rest is red. Boo. I will persevere though because I want to look as good as you! I like all the styles, but I think b & c will be easier to style. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey thanks for commenting Rainbow, and welcome. I would definitely recommend visiting a supportive hairdresser (who doesn’t want you to just dye the roots again), as a good cut can really ease the transition out of that ‘skunk line’ of dyed hair vs true silver. I absolutely LOVE my silvers, and this new do is just a one-off adventure; no way would I return to that regular dyeing/hiding routine. You’ll have to pop back for the big reveal… ; ) and thanks so much for joining in, cheers G xO

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  15. I love the way call for advice about haircuts gets so many comments! If you haven’t got it done yet I vote A. I love the colour idea you suggest and the cut to me is funky and interesting whereas the others have the potential to look a bit nanna-ish. But I’m sure you’d rock them equally well!

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  16. Definitely new hairstyle is great way to go! Youโ€™ll look great because your inner beauty and confidence will shine through

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  17. Yay for new hair! I love A and I think it’s what C would grow into depending on cowlicks and curl (and colour). Looking forward to seeing the results!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, thanks, and Easy Tiger- haven’t really started yet- have to get my hair sorted- but in the past I always had a fab time on OkCupid- do you have it there?


  18. I think I’m too late to chip in. Catching up today. My hair routine is wash and let it dry so I totally get the no fuss requirement. Check with your hairdresser a style that will look great when messy, something you can use a mousse to just scrunch it. Worked for me before. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  19. Well, for what it’s worth, I give you a lot of credit for holding onto your salt and pepper hair. When mine started turning gray, I immediately colored it. But my hair is long, and I often wonder what it would be like to walk around with long, gray hair. So…in short, I like your salt and pepper “look” the best.

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    • Hi there OverTheHill- yes, I proudly strutted my silver, after dyeing it as a younger woman- in fact, my hair inspired the name of this blog ๐Ÿ™‚

      But symbolically, I wanted a change, after a relationship end, as hair represents ‘the past’… I am absolutely loving my new ‘blonde do’, although as it grows I will cut out the blonde and happily go back to my silver; for me, as a feisty, feminist, ageing woman, I see it as my duty to just be authentically ‘Me’, as a role model for younger women, and so absolutely refuse to buy into the socially-constructed ‘shame’ of turning grey/gray/silver!

      Thank you so much for your comment, G : )

      Liked by 1 person

        • Bless ya : ) Thanks

          Hey I just popped over to your blog and read a few posts but I couldn’t ‘Like’ any of them- have you hidden that button on purpose? I find it such a good way to get interactions…


          • Oops! Sorry about the incomplete comment I just sent. I clicked the send button by mistake before I was through. Back to our discussion, when you are on the page on my blog with the most recent post about the Cheshire Cat, do you see a line that says “comments?” If you do, click on that. It will bring you to a screen that will allow you to click the “like” button and/or write a comment. Please let me know if you still have trouble with this. Others have not, so I’m concerned about the fact that you aren’t able to make it work. In any case, thank you SO MUCH for reading some of my posts! I’m glad we’re getting to know each other. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

          • Got it! WordPress can be so weird sometimes- tries to make things harder than they need to be *rolls eyes


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