Comments 53

Our final show rocked

Proud to be over 50 and still performing professionally #theatreartist #gratitude #positiveaging

Proud to be over 50 and still performing professionally #theatreartist #gratitude #positiveaging @boneAndsilver

We did it! And here’s the ubiquitous backstage half-made-up ‘selfie’ [with apologies to the other awesome performer, but I’m protecting her privacy]. It took us 4 shows to get it perfect, but oh boy, did we soar with the last one; utterly worth all the stress, anxiety, rehearsal, and planning.

I’d stressed about learning my lines in the last post HERE, and we did get last minute changes [waaaaaaaahhhhhh], but all coped. The sound guy turned up on time (always a good omen), and learnt the multiple technical cues fast.

We had full houses (mind you, because it travelled through 4 rooms underneath a heritage building which had no aircon- I’m in Australia remember), we had to limit them to maximum of 50.

Proud to be over 50 and still performing professionally #theatreartist #gratitude #positiveaging

Proud to be over 50 and still performing professionally #theatreartist #gratitude #positiveaging @boneAndsilver

It was officially ‘ an immersive & interactive colour adventure for 5-8 year olds’, and the cast of four did an amazing job; I’m so proud and grateful to be part of the team.

Our Director was delighted, and industry professionals and promoters came to see the last show (hurray), so there is optimistic talk of possible regional tours. I LOVE to perform and tour; it is a fabulous way to travel, yet also giving back to the communities we visit.

Plus not paying for airfares, accommodation, and even food is obviously a huge bonus.

Thank you to my bone&silver tribe for all your helpful line-learning suggestions and encouragement; you are darlings. And I’m glad some of you “lapsed and/or terrified” theatre performers can live vicariously through me.

Like I said, I believe I have the best job in the world; my cheeky friend captured this moment perfectly, as I shared a joke about my ridiculous yet awesome life:

Instagram snap by cheeky artist friend #positiveaging #gratitude #theatre #Australia

Instagram snap #positiveaging #gratitude #theatre #Australia


In gratitude for sharing my adventures, G xO 



  1. gigglingfattie says

    OOOO awesome pictures! It looks like so much fun! Just from the costume alone! Glad your final show went so well!

    Liked by 1 person

      • gigglingfattie says

        Oh I’m sure!! I couldn’t imagine having to put on a play. I can barely get the words right when reading a book out loud hehe. Leave some out, add my own, switch one word for one my brain apparently thinks would be better…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Exactly. We all missed a few cues at first, which has a domino effect on everyone else… very challenging… such a relief we got it right for the final show (just in time LOL)

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        • I do that too, switch word, I mean when reading aloud. It’s like there is another one of me who is just making stuff up. And I just keep going while asking my(other)self ‘why did you say that?’ Then I do it again becasue I’m not concentrating!

          Liked by 2 people

          • gigglingfattie says

            Haha! Try having an 11 year old reading over your shoulder correcting you as you go lol makes it so much worse!

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          • gigglingfattie says

            Haha! She likes it when I read to her but she also reads along and corrects my crazy brain when it gets things wrong

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          • Hahahaha, that also happens to me- I’m such an Improvisor- I find the discipline of sticking to a script REALLY hard (hence my stress levels and whinging)


    • Thanks Jean; maybe we’ll get a gig in Ireland one day, and you can bring your inner child (& your partner’s). Then we can all grow up and go to a Wallis Bird gig…


      • Then it’s back to ours and a nightcap (or two), a good night’s sleep and a full Irish the next morning, which will be one of those long, bright summer days that seem to go on forever.
        When did you say the gig was?

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          • Funnily enough, Collette, (my theatrical sister in law) went there a few years ago and got free food and board in return for putting on puppet shows for the kids. Thankfully, we were not involved.
            Went myself a couple of years ago on a day trip, yes lovely place. We went to Aran Mor, the big one. My mother was with us and as we bought the ticket for the ferry, she said to the young fella on the ticket-desk, ‘What happens if we miss the last boat back?’ ‘Well, you’ll just have to buy a bit of land, settle down and try and make a life for yourself,’ he said in reply. We made the return ferry in good time.

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          • Haha- how I love that Irish sense of humor. When we went, it was September, so very rough, & my stubborn 12yr old son insisted he wanted to wear shorts (I was in jeans and puffer jacket). Once we got out of the car, he realized how cold & windy it actually was, so stood outside that very ticket office to change into his jeans; I have a vivid memory of other ferry travelers arriving to buy tickets, seeing this crazy Australian in his underpants…

            That’s such a coincidence your sister in law is a puppeteer; so am I! Did you read my post ‘Soft linger down Puppet Lane’?

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          • Wait, don’t tell me your sister in law is Colette Garrigan? I saw a puppet show for adults about Sleeping Beauty at the world puppetry festival in Charleville Mezieres France a few years ago…..

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      • yes, I get that. I used to be the manager for the kid’s synchronized skating teams at my local Y. All the logistics, etc could really take the fun out of it. And yet when the kids took the ice and skated their programs, its was thrilling. I am enjoying my first season off this year after 7 seasons volunteering. Now I have time to blog and do other fun stuff!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Fantastic! I’m so excited for you; I truly believe once the theatre is in your blood, it’s there forever. You could do a blog post about it… cheers G


  2. Yes, Collette Garrigan is Angela’s sister!!! How about that? I saw her Sleeping Beauty show when she did the Edinburgh Fringe a couple of years ago. I loved the way she made it contemporary sad, and funny. Colette trained in France, in Charleville for several years and still goes back for the big festival sometimes. I think she took Sleeping Beauty to Perth for the World Puppetry Festival a few years back.That girl really gets around.
    I haven’t read that blog yet but I will. You do puppetry too? You clever girl, you. That’s is a whole world in itself. Is there no end to your talent?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my goodness that is a wild coincidence! I loved her show- I do adult stuff- you know, sex death nostalgia. No dialogue. Puppetry rocks! But that is as far as my talents go: certainly can’t sing or play an instrument. Can’t sew or fix things either (need my practical Tom to do all that stuff for me haha).

      I’m still shaking my head at this discovery- it really is a small world isn’t it?

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  3. Yes, indeed it is. I imagine that Sunshine makes a lasting impression on an audience. He certainly seems to have a strong presence and I think he is carrying memories. Your writing about that performance was very moving.
    Sex, death, nostalgia and rainbows what a life eh?

    Liked by 1 person

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