Comments 36

Getting lost in being present

I know, I know: “Where have you been G??”

I swear I’m still here, lurking/scanning/reading/sometimes commenting…

I’ve just been so busy out in the ‘real world’, what with the teenager’s new job timetable (up at 5.30 every morning, bless him), the ‘No-Online-Stories’ romance (just about to hit a year on that one), plus the riding lessons (I fell off on my third one!) and all the regular stuff like mowing lawns, hanging out the washing, balancing on stilts at festivals, and cooking nice food, that somehow time slips by.

And I did start a hugely-political ranty post a fortnight ago, about the proposed Adani mine up in Queensland, with multiple photos, facts and figures…


…then the internet momentarily crashed so I lost it Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but here are some of the photos I’d already uploaded:

I’ve basically been sulking about WordPress ever since.


A happy Paddington bear am I #Australia #river #kayak #gratitude

But now here I am, on a glorious sunny Autumn day in Australia, overflowing with delight at the crispy mornings and snuggly nights this season brings.

On the weekend, I paddled down our small town’s river to the sea, with 1500 other locals, as a fundraiser for the surf club, which was a divine way to spend 2 hours. I’ve been bushwalking, beach walking, Swing dancing, and home dancing too; feeling fit and fresh, as well as excited by my upcoming winter wardrobe extravaganza (I love hats, jackets, and scarves so much, it’s almost cruel I can only enjoy them for a brief 3 months up here).


We’ve also had a TERRIBLE General Election result, almost as bad as Trump- no, wait, nothing could be as bad as that.

But nearly.

So I was sulking about that a bit too, sorry. But then my rebellious rage returned, so I will continue to fight the good fight, for our environment and my gorgeous son’s future [Side note: that post I lost was titled “I will indeed chain myself to a bulldozer for my son, and yours.”]

But Hello, here I am, popping by to say Hi!

There’s a couple of snaps from the weekend’s kayaking adventure- the hardest part was the 20-minute queue to get in the actual water.

When was the last time you did something like that? It’s not that taxing if you take it slowly, I promise.

In gratitude for dormant ‘but-still-available-when-I-need-them’ arm muscles, G xO


  1. S_MW says

    Isn’t it just THE most frustrating thing when the computer crashes or (as is in my case) when you highlight all the text (I do that because I sometimes like to justify my text – #deepsigh I KNOW…right?!) and then I hit delete by mistake and THEN WP saves the deleted draft before I can get it back.

    Good to see you though x

    Liked by 1 person

    • So SO frustrating 🤪
      Doesn’t happen often, but I pretty much did what you just said at the moment that the internet dropped out- seems the post was doomed anyway- but this one is more fun, with good pics 😊❤️


  2. gigglingfattie says

    Sounds like you are living your best life! You’ve been missed but this update is amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. zlotybaby says

    I must say I’ve been wondering how long may one be busy oiling furniture 🙂 I’m glad you’re doing well! Funnily enough I also took a horse riding lesson last weekend (1 lesson after +/- 16 years, 0 falls but a lot of fear of one) and did some ocean kayaking (my arms, my back, my everything hurt but I spotted dolphins and seals). Hope you’ll keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So glad to hear That Which Shall Not Be Named is still going strong a year down the line! 😀 … and apart from the momentary political thuggery, you are having so much fun with your life too. 😀 …

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Gabrielle––so good to see you back!! I hear you on having a lot going on in your life. Blessings on all of that. And, that kayaking trip looks marvelous!

    I recently completed a long-standing job at a spiritual organization to EXPAND my forgiveness coaching practice. It’s been quite an adventure and I’m currently visiting other locations as possible new homes. (I can coach from anywhere.)

    Sending you a big smile from across the pond, Gabrielle,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that’s wonderful news Eve! Isn’t it great watching them transition into really being ‘young men’? It’s so good for them- they have so much energy- they need to work! Sounds like we’re both lucky Mamas, on similar levels 😊😍😎

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You are always a breath of fresh air and such an inspiration. But how very dare you not be here because you’re busy living life, being happy and squeezing in saving the planet to boot? Just jesting . This was a marvellous post. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I too went into shock over our election result, and then promptly went on holiday to America – you think we have it bad here, it’s so much worse there.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I was amazed and astounded at times….there are these attack commercials demonising universal health care, and I ended up raging so much at them, I had to stop watching their television stations for a while.

        What was heartening were the two older women from Pennsylvania who told me that there were so angry about Trump they were going to start protesting at the ages of 69 snf 68!

        Liked by 1 person

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